Kawasaki SLV series Control Valves

Servo logic valve SLV series was developed with Kawasaki’s electric/hydraulic control techique and experience. 2-way and 3-way types are available. The new products are suited to be applied to high-pressure, high-speed and large-flow hydraulic control systems.

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Servo logic valve SLV series was developed with Kawasaki’s electric/hydraulic control techique and experience. 2-way and 3-way types are available. The new products are suited to be applied to high-pressure, high-speed and large-flow hydraulic control systems.

Kawasaki SLV Series Control Valves For Sale

If you are looking for Kawasaki SLV Series Control Valves For Sale, your search just ended. We deliver all types of industrial valves inclusive of gas, steam and water. Our services include installation, repair and maintenance as well.

We offer an extensive range of SLV Series Control Valves for sale including the SLV40, SLV50,SLV63,SLV80,SLV100 models. Different product models have different prices.

Price Range Is:$1500-$6500

Please contact our business manager for the specific price, and we will give you the best price as soon as possible!


  • Suitable to high-pressure, high-speed and large-flow applications.
  • Compact slip-in cartridge.
  • Lower leakage than servo valves, and insensitive to contamination.


Model SLV40 SLV50 SLV63 SLV80 SLV100
Max. Pressure (MPa) 41.2
Max. Flow (L/min) 2,200 3,500 5,500 9,000 14,000
Step Response 20ms below 30ms below
Leakage (cm3/min) 1cm3/min and below
Hysteresis 0.5% and below
Linearity ±1% and below
Repeatability 0.2% and below
